A helping hand that won't let go
To pass on to them everything we wish we had learned at their age.

Ben supports a limited number of private clients on a daily basis, following them individually

Each journey is meticulously tailored to individual needs, aiming for aligned, deep and lasting transformation. This holistic approach is designed for those looking to achieve meaningful change in their personal lives. In addition to this intensive follow-up, Ben also offers a mentoring program for young people aged 16 to 25. This program aims to provide the same high levels of personalized guidance and support, tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities of this age group.
Due to the in-depth nature of the follow-ups, the number of clients Ben can support is strictly limited. We invite you to submit your application via our online form. Each request is handled with the greatest care and respect. Please note that due to the large number of applications, we cannot guarantee follow-up for all applicants. You will be contacted if your profile matches this type of follow-up when openings arise.

I was 18 years old when I started being coached by Ben. At first, I just wanted someone to spar with, but I quickly realized there was so much more to it. We began our sessions in the spring of 2022, right before I started my bachelor's degree. It would be an understatement to say that I was profoundly impacted.
I will always remember the day he asked me to write about what he calls the "North Star," meant to represent the most extreme and beautiful lifestyle I could envision for myself, including how I imagined my future routine and career. Within two years, I had achieved dreams I thought would only be possible twenty years down the line. The beauty of it is that our goals, our visions, grow as we do, and one of the many things Ben taught me is to be curious about ourselves and never limit our imagination. Thanks to our work together, I feel like I get a little closer each day to my goals and the person I aspire to become.
His approach is more than professional; it is deeply personal. He didn't just equip me with practical tools to navigate life's challenges, but he also showed me the importance of introspection and self-kindness. With these insights, I've learned to harness my strengths and acknowledge my weaknesses, which has allowed me to develop a sense of self-acceptance that has been transformative.
Physically, the journey has been demanding, but his support has been an anchor in uncertain moments. From personalized workout plans to nutritional advice, he not only improved my physical health but also sparked in me a new appreciation for my body and its capabilities. The synergy between mental and physical well-being that he emphasizes in his work has become a cornerstone of my happiness.
Beyond the structured sessions, his genuine concern and encouragement have been invaluable. His ability to listen without judgment and offer insights created a safe space for me to explore my thoughts and feelings. When I first started working with Ben, I was out of breath after running a kilometer, and a year later, I completed my first triathlon. Even though it was me who physically crossed the finish line, it was our work together that gave me the confidence to even consider such a goal.
His faith in my potential, even when I doubted myself, has been a source of inspiration.

When I started coaching with Ben, I was a lost 17 year old, facing one of the darkest parts of his life. I had stopped sports, I had major conflicts with some close family members, and I was surrounded by many toxic relations. All of which steered me in a direction that would have seen much of my potential wasted, and quite frankly me to become any odd spoilt child.
However Ben came into my life, with his 360° coaching, he shook my whole world. I am 20 now, studying in a top university worldwide, while working and leading team of 6 people for an industry leader in the Startup scene, I have reconciliated with my family, I work out at least 3-5 times a week, I got broke free from the toxic relationships and freindships that kept me down.
The journey was definitely not an easy one, filled of tough times. But whatever life through at me the past 3 years, and no matter how difficult times got. I always knew I had Ben by my side, and that together we were going to be able to push through anything.
And I guess if I can Finnish on one thing, I will do so on a discussion I had with my mum recently. She asked me, with all the pressure I was under if their was one thing she could do help me with or buy me and I replied: "Just keep Ben in my life, that's the best gift you can do for me and my future"

I met Ben after attending one of his seminars and felt inspired to work with him to achieve my goals. Before that, I lacked self-confidence, was lazy, and didn't have the inner strength to accomplish my goals on my own. I needed help. I was accepted into an intensive 3-month coaching program with Ben, and through our sessions, I managed to gain self-confidence, better understand my body, and make significant physical progress. The hardest part for me was making progress despite some negative influences in my environment. Ben was always there for me. He never let go and always supported me.
Ben is truly an amazing person with a big heart and incredible humility, who genuinely wants to give us everything he has. I encourage everyone to get to know him and to allow themselves to be helped by him if they need it.
Today, I am incredibly grateful to him, and if I've been able to change all these things in my life, it's thanks to him. Thank you, Ben.

Ben is an excellent coach — attentive and available — who encouraged me immensely to push beyond my limits and realize my potential! His words of encouragement go beyond just sports and nutrition; he also helped me build confidence in myself and my personal projects. His passion is contagious, and his unwavering support made it a wonderful experience that will stay with me forever! Thank you for everything!

We completed a 3-month mentoring program with Ben, and thanks to his coaching, we were able to completely change our mindset around sports and nutrition, adopting a much healthier approach. We stopped focusing solely on the physical aspect and began to also prioritize our mental well-being. Ben helped us discover what it means to enjoy sports and discipline, but without any pressure. He provided us with very clear explanations that helped us better understand ourselves, and he was also a source of kind, non-judgmental motivation. Always attentive, we could ask him any questions, whether physical or mental, and we could see our progress from one session to the next. We highly recommend Ben to anyone looking to improve physically or mentally, and to do so while enjoying every session. Thank you, Ben!

Before meeting Ben, I was in a negative period. I couldn't see the positive aspects of life anymore. Physically, I wasn't in top shape. Ben immediately put me at ease; he was always attentive and there when I needed him. We were able to address my personal issues and some family patterns that were difficult for me to talk about. It was very reassuring to know that I had someone to rely on, someone I could unload on, and that I wasn't alone in what I was experiencing. I recommend Ben to anyone who needs it. He takes the time to understand each person's personal history and provides personalized support. For me, it was a joy, and today I can only thank him for my progress. A year ago, I was starting from far behind, and now I see that I'm getting closer to my goal. Thank you so much!

As a professional footballer today, I want to share my experience working with Ben on personal development and mental training. If you want to grow and reach your full potential, some people are exceptionally well-equipped to help you. I had the opportunity to work with one of the best, and I highly recommend him. He knows how to help you put into practice what will benefit you. I still thank him to this day!

Ben is someone who is passionate and always performs his work meticulously, leaving nothing to chance. The main factors for achieving convincing results are nutrition and consistency. Remember that everything is possible and that your only obstacle is yourself.

I turned to Ben to become physically stronger, initially with the goal of improving my performance in my sport. He introduced me to the basics of nutrition and weight training. Gradually, I developed a passion for this lifestyle. I’m grateful to Ben for what he’s given me and for sparking that initial inspiration. Thanks to him, I’ve committed myself to a passion and am working towards achieving my goals.

FAQ - Young Adult Mentoring with Ben Campagna
1. What is the young adult mentoring program ?
The mentorship program is a private coaching and support service specifically designed for young people aged 16 to 25, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities of this critical stage in life.
Similar to programs for adults, it addresses aspects of health and lifestyle, both physical and mental, as well as emotional challenges, self-relationship, interpersonal dynamics, and the construction of identity and future goals. The objective is to provide these young individuals with a solid and empowering foundation while guiding them through their challenges with care, discipline, and consistent support.
2. How can mentoring benefit my teenager ?
Holistic coaching and mentorship can help adolescents develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their behavioral patterns, and their lifestyle habits. This enables them to build self-awareness and acquire tools for their health and success, providing them with an optimal start into adulthood.
This stage of life is pivotal for establishing healthy habits that will have a lasting impact on their physical and mental health and performance.
Moreover, this period is often filled with challenges, difficulties, and opportunities. Ben’s flexible and multidisciplinary approach ensures these young individuals are supported in an optimal, safe, and nurturing environment, guiding them through their trials and helping them transform these into strengths.
What could be more important and beneficial than helping them develop, early on, a clear vision of their ideal life, a personal definition of “success,” and a strong sense of their values?
3. My teenager as addiction issues, can mentoring be helpful ?
Yes, if your teenager is willing, a 360° support program to address addictions at their root and establish new healthy patterns can be appropriate, provided there is complementary medical follow-up depending on the severity of the issue.
4. How to support my teenager in periods of stress and anxiety ?
Mentorship is a form of coaching that combines techniques from psychology, neuroscience, physical activity, and occasionally boxing. It helps adolescents gain a better understanding of their emotions and learn to manage them effectively. This unique relationship of trust also creates a space to address deeper issues and resolve underlying conflicts.
Within a few weeks, parents often notice a significant reduction in emotional outbursts and improved handling of stressful periods.
5. My relationship with my teenager is strained, and they are skeptical about getting help. Is mentorship still an option?
This type of situation is, of course, quite common.
It’s essential for me that the adolescent is engaged and willing to participate in the process—and ideally, that the request comes from them. That’s why I always begin with an initial meeting with the teenager to establish first contact, set clear boundaries, and ensure their active commitment to the mentorship.
These programs often help reduce family tensions by giving parents the opportunity to step back and breathe, while providing the adolescent with a safe, external space for support. This creates a more harmonious and peaceful atmosphere at home.
6. How much time my teenager will have to dedicate to this coaching ?
The mentoring sessions are fully personalized and adapt to the specific needs of each adolescent with great flexibility. These needs can vary from one individual to another and evolve from month to month depending on circumstances (exams, competition preparation, occasional challenges, etc.). Typically, a weekly video session is recommended, complemented by exercises to be completed between sessions to reinforce progress.
The support goes beyond one-to-one sessions: it also includes continuous assistance for your child, providing guidance and presence even outside of scheduled appointments.
7.What is the format of the mentoring programme ?
Mentoring is offered as an all-inclusive monthly package. It includes one-to-one sessions conducted via video conference (in-person meetings are occasionally possible in the Lausanne area and surroundings).
Additionally, it provides ongoing support through WhatsApp or phone, ensuring daily assistance whenever needed.
8. What is the role of parents in the mentoring programme ?
Mentoring is primarily designed to serve the needs of the young individual. It is essential for me to maintain a strict confidentiality framework to build a relationship of complete trust between the mentee and myself.
Within this framework, parents are kept informed of the key aspects of the mentee’s progress and any significant developments, while respecting the adolescent’s privacy. Parents can also play a supportive or facilitative role, depending on the situation. However, the primary goal remains to work autonomously with the young person, focusing on addressing issues at their root.
Since family dynamics can sometimes be complex, I am always open to organizing — and occasionally recommending — mediation or discussion sessions with the parents, if this is deemed necessary to ensure the success of the process.
For mentorship involving a minor, parental legal responsibility applies. Both the parent’s and the mentee’s signatures are required to validate the arrangement.
If the mentee is an adult but the parents are financing the mentorship, signatures from both parties will also be required.
9. What is the difference between this mentorship and therapy with a psychologist?
The coaching and mentorship I offer are not in opposition to psychological therapy and can even complement it, depending on the young person’s needs.
Psychological therapy primarily focuses on the mental and emotional dimensions, with a structured format of occasional or recurring sessions, typically paid per appointment.
Mentorship, on the other hand, encompasses not only psychological and emotional aspects but also physical health, nutrition, performance, and personal development. Offered as an all-inclusive monthly package, my approach takes a holistic view, addressing various facets of the young person’s daily life. While maintaining a formal structure, mentorship extends beyond one-to-one sessions to provide continuous support outside scheduled meetings.
As a mentor, I become a true partner in the young person’s journey. This relationship allows me to work with them on their goals, needs, and challenges, ensuring the practical application of tools and strategies that foster their growth. Unlike parental or academic authority figures, my role is to serve as a neutral, supportive, and proactive resource.
Mentorship can complement psychological therapy and address similar issues, but with a broader approach and a format that is not exclusively therapeutic, focusing on proactive, integrated interventions in the young person’s everyday life.